Substance abuse has become a common habit among youth and even adults. Teens, in particular, have been more influenced by illicit drugs. Peer pressure and substance abuse are always together. Negative peer pressure is the most common risk factor rising teen drug abuse.
Often, the primary reason that a young individual experiments with illegal drugs is the peer pressure. A peer group includes group of people of roughly same age and status who often spend time together. Peer pressure is nothing but the influence these people have on the life of the individual. It makes teens adapt the behaviors of the fellow peers of the group. Most adolescent drug users are introduced and habituated to substance abuse by friends.
It is at the stage of adolescence that the chances of drug abuse rise dramatically. It is at this stage that kids move away from parents and also turn towards independence. It is these two trends which often interconnect influencing them to use illicit drugs by experimenting because of peer pressure. Many circumstances may arise when kids are with their peers, which stress a casual approach to use drugs. More often, when they are among a common group of friends in a party, they may not feel enough self-esteem to say no to alcohol or drugs. Once, a teen gets used to this peer pressure, it becomes more difficult for him or her to resist it. In addition, they even get influenced by the pleasure associated with the drugs and this makes them more vulnerable. Though this negative peer pressure may lessen with age, it can still have a great impact on the behavior of teens.