Hand bags are part of the dress accessories, these are used by most of the women, these hand bags are fashion, stylish items and day by so many trends are changing in hand bags. There are different huge collections and many trendy hand bags to select at shopping malls. There are different types of bags like shoulder bags, tote bags, hobo bags and purses. Now-a-days, women are investing more money on hand bags for themselves or purchasing as gifts, because it is the fashionable item.
The sales in the last year reduced and it was the first time in many seasons.
The average price per hand bag was 24 dollars.
The sales of hand bags were 9.2 billion dollars in 2009, and 9.6 billion dollars in 2008, 9 billion dollars in 2007.
Hand bags continue to be of highest average retail prices in accessories classification, though customers may stay away from the expensive designer bags. Most of the women bought the hand bags aged between 35 to 54, they made 32 percent sales for hand bags. $25 was the average retail price for this age group of women.
Younger consumer age group is 18 to 34, their sales are near to older counterparts. $29 was average unit sale price of younger consumers. New technology was improved in making hand bags and faux leather materials, nylons and other fabrics were drawn for new consumers. Online sales on hand bags are 12 percent and most of the hand bags’ purchases were done in stores directly.