Web development basically deals with developing website for users that includes web content development and network configuration. Web development includes coding as per the requirement of the website which can be of simple HTML pages to complex web based or social network application.

ad servingWeb development tools allow developers to debug their existing code. The tools not only allow users to enhance their code for better user interface but also let them test the website or web application for errors or bugs.

Some popular web development tools

Node.js is a run time environment based on JavaScript built with Google Chrome JavaScript engine. It is one of the good open source web development platforms for developing server-side web applications. Node.js is faster and more efficient because it has event-driven, non-blocking I/O model.

Embedded engineeringAngular.js
Angular JS is a frame work for developing and testing of dynamic web applications. Typically HTML code doesn’t support any dynamic content. Angular.js tool provides additional custom tag attributes as an extension to the existing HTML code. It is an open source platform created by Google.

Brackets is an open source text editor developed by Adobe based on HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Along with the features of quick editing for HTML and javascript files, it allows instant live preview of the webpage on the browser as the users edit the code. It also supports multiple file types from other software platforms like C, C++, Java, Perl, Python etc.

Bootstrap is an open source tool known for front-end framework for developing website applications. It is known for developing responsive mobile friendly websites based on HTML and CSS with an option of Java script extension. It is helpful in creating user interface components for website like forms, navigation bar, buttons, tags etc.

ad server softwareLESS is a javascript library that works as an extension of CSS for adding dynamic behavior to the variables and functions. It allows customizing & reusing of the style sheet of an existing webpage. LESS.js allows third party tools like Node.js to compile your file and make the required changes for the website.

Notepad++ is source code editor for Windows environment. It is designed as portable software which allows developing applications on the go. It has features of tabbed editing, syntax highlighting and support many programming language like (C, C++, c#, HTML, JAVA, PHP) and markup languages. Notepad++ also supports additional features like user defined syntax highlighting and folding, PCRE (Perl compatible regular expression), GUI, document mapping etc.