Germany is top among the nations of energy sustainability. Generating the energy from natural resources is called as renewable energy. The renewable energy sources are sun, wind, hydro power, biological processes, and geothermal processes.

Germany is putting efforts to become the world’s first industrial power to use 100 percent renewable energy. The director of renewable energy and resources at Germany trade and invest supporting the country’s renewable energy sector. The percentage of renewable in energy consumption was 7.3 in Germany in 2008. Germany is targeting 33 percentage by 2020.

The 30 percent of the electricity consumed in Germany is set to be coming from renewable energy sources only in 2020. The optimal use of wind resources is concentrated along with the huge offshore wind parks placed in the North Sea.

Electric powered cars in Germany are reducing the green house effect. Germany is the center for using the renewable energy technologies for years. Many research institutes and projects are launched to help Germany to become world’s first major renewable economy.

By MND A01